This section helps you to add an allergy in the system. An allergy can be added only for the latest in-progress encounter.

To add an allergy:

1.In the charting elements ribbon, click Medications/Allergies. The Medications/Allergies screen is displayed.
2.Click Add Allergies. The Add Allergies screen is displayed.

Note: The Add Allergies button is enabled only for the latest in-progress encounter.

3.Click Allergy / Intolerance.
4.Enter at least 3 letters of drug or non-drug allergy.

Note: You can also select the allergy from the Common Allergies/Intolerance section.

5.Click Search For Allergy.
6.Select an allergy from the list.
7.Select the Severity (High, Moderate, Low) from the drop-down.
8.Select the Complete Onset Date from the drop-down list and enter notes, if any.
9.Click Save Allergy. The selected allergy is added to the list.
10. Click Close. The allergy is added to the Allergies section on the Medications/Allergies screen.


If the patient does not have any allergy, select the No known allergies check box. This would give you credit for purposes of meeting this MU measure.
Once the allergies are reviewed, select the Reviewed by check box. Your name will be displayed as the reviewer along with date and time.
On clicking More link, the Allergies Screen is displayed with the list of allergies added.
Click the iconINSYNC~1_img274 to view the details such as Created By, Created On, Modified By, and Modified On.



