You can renew medication list that you have prescribed previously or you have already recorded in the current medications list.

To renew medication:


1.In the charting elements ribbon, click Medications/Allergies. The Medications/Allergies screen is displayed.
2.Click Prescribe Medications. The Prescribe Medications screen opens with Compose Rx tab selected.
3.In the Current Medications section, select the check box(es) corresponding to the medication that you want to renew.
4.Click Instant Renewal.
5.Click Transmit Rx/Add to Record. The selected medication(s) is renewed and added to the Renewed Medication(s) section.


Note: Renewing a medication is one of the criteria to increase denominator and also the criteria to increase numerator for “Core 1a: CPOE for Medication Orders” of MU-2. Please refer to the above section in Meaningful Use Stage – 2 User Guide for more details.