You can renew medication list that you have prescribed previously or you have already recorded in the current medications list.
To renew medication:
1. | In the charting elements ribbon, click Medications/Allergies. The Medications/Allergies screen is displayed. |
2. | Click Prescribe Medications. The Prescribe Medications screen opens with Compose Rx tab selected. |
3. | In the Current Medications section, select the check box(es) corresponding to the medication that you want to renew. |
4. | Click Instant Renewal. |
5. | Click Transmit Rx/Add to Record. The selected medication(s) is renewed and added to the Renewed Medication(s) section. |
Note: Renewing a medication is one of the criteria to increase denominator and also the criteria to increase numerator for “Core 1a: CPOE for Medication Orders” of MU-2. Please refer to the above section in Meaningful Use Stage – 2 User Guide for more details.